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Casio fx-50F專頁
Casio fx-50F是現時很多人使用的會考計數機,不過很多人對這部計數機的功能一知半解,因此不能充分運用這部計數機,專頁希望可以幫助大家了解fx-50F的各項功能及使用方法。雖然fx-50F的程式總長度只有29步,不過依然可編寫出一些實用而簡單的程式,例如:聯立二元一次方程、小數化分數、三階行列式、餘弦定律等等。這裡亦收集了一些 香港文憑試有用的程式,希望可以幫助大家應付考試。
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******************** 現有項目一百三十六項 ********************
(A) CASIO fx-50F 程式集 (Programs)
A1. 小數轉換分數(I) (Conversion of decimal into fraction I)
A2. 小數轉換分數(II) (Conversion of decimal into fraction II)
A3. 餘弦定律(II) (Cosine laws II)
A4. 正弦定律 (Sine laws)
A5. 聯立二元一次方程式(I) (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 2 unknowns I)
A6. 聯立二元一次方程式(II) (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 2 unknowns II)
A7. 一元二次方程(II) (Quadratic equations II)
A8. 一元二次方程(III) (Quadratic equations III)
A9. 一元二次方程(IV) (Quadratic equations IV)
A10. 一元二次方程(V) (Quadratic equations V)
A11. 正整數冪二項式定理(Binomial Theorem (Positive integer power))
A12. 二項式定理(I) (Binomial Theorem I)
A13. 二項式定理(II) (Binomial Theorem II)
A14. 正整數冪二項式係數 (Coefficient of binomial theorem (Positive integer power))
A15. 函數計算 (Function calculation)
A16. 半分法 (Bisection method)
A17. 正割法 (Secant method)
A18. 迭代法 (Iteration method)
A19. 兩點的距離、斜率及y截距(兩點式) (Distance, slope and y-intercept)
A20. 距離、斜率及分界點 (Distance, slope and section formula)
A21. 圓形的圓心及半徑 (Centre and radius of a circle)
A22. 直徑兩端點求圓方程 (Equation of circle by 2 end-point of diameter)
A23. 已知斜率求圓的切線 (Tangent to Circle with given slope)
A24. 三點求三角形面積 (Area of triangle by three points)
A25. 四點求四邊形面積 (Area of quadrilateral by four points)
A26. 多點求多邊形面積 (Area of polygon by many points)
A27. 圓內接四邊形四邊求面積 (Area of cyclic quadrilateral by four sides)
A28. 坐標變換-旋轉 (Transformation on coordinates-Rotation)
A29. 兩直線間夾角 (Angle between two lines)
A30. 直線與點的距離 (Distance between line and point)
A31. 點與直線的距離及反射 (Reflection and Distance between point and line)
A32. 多項式乘法(I) (Polynomial Multiplication I)
A33. 多項式乘法(II) (Polynomial Multiplication II)
A34. 多項式除法(I) (Polynomial Division I)
A35. 多項式除法(II) (Polynomial Division II)
A36. 多項式除法(III) (Polynomial Division III)
A37. 複數的整數指數(Integer power of complex number)
A38. 複數的N次方根 (Nth roots of complex number)
A39. 複數乘法 (Complex number multiplication)
A40. 複數除法 (Complex number division)
A41. 等差數列(I) (Arithmetic sequence I)
A42. 等比數列 (Geometric sequence)
A43. 算術幾何平均 (Arithmetic-Geometric Mean)
A44. 平方根化簡(I) (Simplification of square roots I)
A45. 平方根化簡(II) (Simplification of square roots II)
A46. 泊松分佈(I) (Poisson distribution I)
A47. 泊松分佈(II) (Poisson distribution II)
A48. 二項分佈(I) (Binomial distribution I)
A49. 二項分佈(II) (Binomial distribution II)
A50. 幾何分佈 (Geometric distribution)
A51. 整合平均值及標準差 (Combined mean and Standard deviation)
A52. 二階伴逆矩陣 (2×2 Inverse matrix)
A53. 二階矩陣乘法 (2×2 matrix multiplication)
A54. 三階矩陣行列式 (3×3 Determinant)
A55. 向量積 (Vector Product)
A56. 最大公因數,最小公倍數及分數約簡 (HCF, LCM and Simplify Fraction)
A57. 質因子連乘式 (Prime factorization of a positive integer)
A58. 商及餘數 (Quotient and remainder)
A59. 循環小數轉換分數 (Conversion of recurring decimal to fraction)
A60. n進數(2-9)轉化為10進數 (Conversion of base n(2-9) to base 10)
A61. 10進數轉化為n進數(2-9) (Conversion of base 10 to base n(2-9))
A62. 10進數及n(2-9)進數間轉換 (Conversions between base 10 and base n(2-9))
A63. 連續分式 (Continued fraction)
A64. 數列計算 (Sequence calculation)
A65. 斐波那契數列 (Fibonacci sequence)
A66. 伽瑪函數 (Gamma Function)
A67. 誤差函數 (Error function)
A68. 逆誤差函數 (Inverse Error function)
A69. 朗伯W函數 (Lambert W Function)
A70. 零存整付計算(I) (Target savings calculations I)
A71. 零存整付計算(II) (Target savings calculations II)
A72. 按揭計算(I) (Mortgage calculations I)
A73. 按揭計算(II) (Mortgage calculations II)
A74. 實際年利率及年利率轉換 (Conversion between effective annual interest rate and annual interest rate)
A75. 攤銷進度表 (Amortization Schedule)
A76. 孫子定理 (Chinese remainder theorem)
A77. 彈性碰撞 (Elastic collision)
A78. 透鏡公式/球面鏡公式 (Lens formula / Mirror formula)
A79. 折射定律 (Laws of refraction)
A80. 巢狀平方根數化簡 (Simplify a nested radical number)
A81. 估數字 (Guess a number)
A82. 合24遊戲 (Arithmetic 24)
CASIO fx-50F 輔助程式:
A83. 二次函數極大/極小值 (Maximum/minimum value of quadratic function)
A84. 二次方程複數根 (Complex roots of quadratic equation)
A85. 二次函數極大/極小值及複數根 (Max./Min. value of quadratic function and complex roots)
A86. 二次函數因式分解 (Factorization of quadratic function)
A87. 餘弦定律(III) (Cosine laws III)
A88. 兩點距離 (Distance between two points)
A89. 製程能力指數 (Process Capability)
A90. 二階矩陣特徵多項式及特徵值 (Characteristic polynomial and eigenvalues of 2×2 matrix)
A91. 平均偏差 (Mean Deviation)
A92. 部份分式 (Partial fraction)
A93. 一元三次方程 (Cubic Equations)
(B) CASIO fx-50F 內置程式及功能
B1. 一元二次方程(I) (Quadratic equations I)
B2. 餘弦定律(I) (Cosine laws I)
B3. 希羅公式 (Heron's Formula)
B4. 標準常態分佈概率(I) (Standard Normal Probability Calculation I)
B5. 標準常態分佈概率(II) (Standard Normal Probability Calculation II)
B6. 坐標轉換 (Co-ordinate Conversions)
B7. 基數運算 (N-base calculation)
B8. 普通統計(I) (Ordinary statistics I)
B9. 普通統計(II) (Ordinary statistics II)
B10. 線性回歸計算 (Linear regression calculation)
B11. 其它回歸計算 (Other regression calculation)
B12. 直線方程(兩點式)(I) (Equation of straight line: Two points Form I)
B13. 分界點及直線方程 (Section formula and equation of straight line)
B14. 三角形重心 (Centroid of triangle)
B15. 部分變(部分為常數) (Partial variation(partly constant))
B16. 物理常數 (Physical constants)
B17. 聯立二元一次方程式(III) (Simultaneous Linear Equations in 2 unknowns III)
B18. 等差數列(II) (Arithmetic sequence II)
B19. 最小公倍數及最大公因數 (L.C.M and H.C.F)
B20. 小數位及有效數字設定 (decimal places and significant figures)
B21. 時間、十進制和六十進制運算 (Time, decimal and sexagesimal calculations)
B22. 記憶計算 (Memory calculations)
B23. 常量計算 (Constant calculations)
B24. 百分率計算 (Percentage calculations)
B25. 工程符號計算 (Engineering Notation calculations)
B26. 庫倫定律 (Coulomb's law)
B27. 導電體電阻 (Resistance of a conductor)
B28. 磁力 (Magnetic force)
B29. RC電路中R的終端電壓 (Change in terminal voltage of R in RC series circuit)
B30. 電壓增益 (Voltage gain)
B31. LRC串聯電路阻抗 (Impedance in LRC series circuit)
B32. LRC並聯電路阻抗 (Impedance in LRC parallel circuit)
B33. 電震動頻率 (Frequency of electric oscillation)
B34. 下降距離 (Distance of drop)
B35. 單擺周期 (Cycle of simple pendulum)
B36. 彈簧擺周期 Cycle of spring pendulum)
B37. 多普勒效應 (Doppler effect)
B38. 理想氣體定律 (Equation of state of ideal gas)
B39. 離心力 (Centrifugal force)
B40. 彈能 (Elastic energy)
B41. 伯努利定律 (Bernoulli's theorem)
B42. 視距計算(I) (Calculations Using a Stadia I)
B43. 視距計算(II) (Calculations Using a Stadia II)
(C) 其它參考
1. Casio fx-50FH及fx-50F PLUS 簡介
2. Casio fx-50FH及fx-50F PLUS 程式集
如程式有任何錯誤或問題請聯絡 David Cheuk: kl2cheuk@gmail.com