√ | ( | √ | ( | A | x² | + | B |
x² | ) | x-1 | ( | C | + | A | X |
+ | B | Y | ) | ) | x² | STO F1 或 F2 |
例題: 求直線 3X + 4Y +7 = 0與點(0,0)的最短距離。
按 RCL F1 ALGB 3 = 4 = 7 = 0 = 0 = (顯示距離為1.4)
兩點的距離、斜率及y截距(兩點式)(I) (Distance, slope and y-intercept I)
兩點的距離、斜率及y截距(兩點式)(II) (Distance and slope and y-intercept II)
直線方程 (兩點式) (應用內置線性回歸功能 ) (Equation of straight line: Two points Form)
兩直線間夾角 (Angle between two lines)
分界點及直線方程 (應用內置線性回歸功能 ) (Section formula and equation of straight line)
分界點 (Section formula)
直線的一般式轉換為法線式 (Conversion of General Form into Normal Form of a straight line)
分界點及點與直線的距離 (Section formula and Distance between point and line)